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Community FIRST


Community FIRST is an international volunteering day, founded by FRC team RoboActive #2096, in which all the participating teams place their robot aside and set the community as their first priority.

Woodie Flowers was the first person to believe in Community FIRST. He saw the potential of this day even before the day even held. As the entire FIRST community knows, Woodie has been an inspiration to all: Students, alumni, mentors, volunteers, and even our families. As an honor to his inspiration, vision, and legacy, we are proud to name Community FIRST in memory of Woodie Flowers

In the last 7 years, more than 460 teams from 32 countries and 64,000 people who were involved in the teams' initiatives took part and united under one goal - spreading science and technology.

FIRST organization support

Prof. Woodie Flowers 2016

Don Bossie 2017

Frank Marik 2018

Collin Fultz 2022

Community FIRST gallery



Ideas for activities

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